Saturday, April 2, 2011

NV Daily News - Creative creatures: Odds, ends and old fabric bring characters to life - Lifestyle/Valley Scene

Anyone ever have one of these days??? I am..........

I have had lots of kind words and honks in town today. Tee Hee! That's right! I've been "outed" in the Northern Virginia Daily Newspaper. I almost turned down the interview but my hubby made me do it! :) Jessica wrote an amazing story out of my ramblings during our interview. My days of being a recluse in my creative world and small town are shrinking. EEEEK! PS! Did I mention I look really out of it in my photo. Yikes - When did I get to be 41??

Here's the link for the article.


  1. what a fantastic article! way to go, you!!
    the writer did a lovely job and the photos are just wonderful!

  2. It was a great article...except for all the "she saids"...:)


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