It's that magical time of year when I unbox all the trinkets and treasures that warm my soul. Olde World Santas, glass Kugels, feather trees, bottle brush trees, etc. The season is here and I have been busy with nesting, decorating, and projects with the kiddos. I must admit I don't spend much time in the studio this time of year - but new ideas are constantly bubbling in my mind.
Winter is my time to nest!
Speaking of nests - I had the great pleasure of visiting the amazing studio of the very talented Louise Grenell of Grenell Studios. She warmly opened her doors for the Annual Toe River Studio Tour here in the mountains of NC and wow!!! What an amazing and gorgeous space. She and her husband are wonderful folks and we really had a great visit. I spoiled myself with a Christmas gift of one of her great hand dyed wool pumpkin heads. Shoot, I should have shared a picture here - anyway he is perched up with my special Halloween collection that stays out all year long in my studio. He is wonderful! You can see pictures of her Halloween works, weavings, etc. on her blog.
Here is my sweet little Ansel.
He is patiently waiting to help me decorate (Tee hee hee - devilish kitty thoughts)
Yeah right! He and his brother ( Iggy-below) are 6 months old now and nothing but trouble! They have knocked over our tree a couple of times, scaled up the trunk and used the ornaments like cat toys

Well, Yuletide blessings to all
Here is my sweet little Ansel.
He is patiently waiting to help me decorate (Tee hee hee - devilish kitty thoughts)
Yeah right! He and his brother ( Iggy-below) are 6 months old now and nothing but trouble! They have knocked over our tree a couple of times, scaled up the trunk and used the ornaments like cat toys
This is Iggy - waiting below for his brother's signal from up on the ladder that mischief and mayhem is sure to come. My 1950's plastic silver stars hanging in a branch above the side table are just too much to resist. Smidge our 10yr old cat ( the star of some of my past posts) is napping somewhere in the house and couldn't be bothered with all their antics.
So yes, my beloved chalkware Santa collection, german glass birds, and other fragile antique ornaments will not see the light of day this year but I will still visit them all and cherish them tucked in there little boxes. Maybe I will clear a shelf in my large display cabinets and display them safely there behind glass!!!
I had forgot all that kittenhood entailed........Well, Yuletide blessings to all
Stay Warm
Be Merry!